Digital Economy by Industry

ABCoin presentes the Platform of Platform structure based on Block Chain as follows.

Digital Economy by Industry

ABCoin presentes the Platform of Platform structure based on Block Chain as follows.

ABCoin's art platform (Galcoin) and AI-based logistics/shopping platform, media platform, living platform, human resource/health platform, energy platform and financial platform are closely linked.

In the case of logistics / shopping, media and living, ABCoin aims to serve as a platform to provide services at the lowest price more than technological innovation. On the other hand, in the health, energy and finance sectors, we expect to see a great deal of innovation in various new technologies, and the profits are going to find ways to benefit the ABCoin token buyers, or subscribers. In this regard, the first three platforms can be a source of power to maintain customers, and the latter three platforms will be a source of profits.

ABCoin expects hundreds of SubPlatforms to be built autonomously and spontaneously. We anticipate the emergence of the Universal Platform (UP), or Platform of Platforms (POP), to integrate all platforms.